Monday, October 18, 2010

just reflections.

I'm doing my portfolio this year on Columbine. Kind of a heady topic, I know. But since my last two were mainly just writing, it was told to me that I should probably do a research portfolio this year. I started out with early childhood education, but who are we kidding? The only type of psychology that has really ever interested me is that of serial killers, or just seriously deranged people.

But as I'm getting further into my research, I'm noticing something. These kids may have been a bit damaged, a bit screwed up, but some of their thoughts... they're thoughts that everyone has. We all think things like they do at some point. No matter how righteous we want to seem, we have all wished that someone would just go away, disappear, if only for a split second.

And now I've started listening to music and have completely lost my train of thought. Dammit.