Sunday, May 2, 2010

Books are just great.

So is having a job at the bookstore. I just finished reading The Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong, the third in the Darkest Powers series. [On a side note, I can't believe that we're not supposed to underline book titles anymore. That's a total WTF moment for me. Anyhoo.] I got the ARC of it from work, and just let me say this: ALDKFJALKDJFALKSJFALKSFJASDLKFJAS KELLYE ARMSTRONG I LOVE YOU.

I understand that that probably wasn't comprehensible, but I don't care. I absolutely adored this book. It was cute and amazing and just everything I wanted it to be. I don't know if Lale has finished it yet, what with her being away at a boarding school for geniuses and a heavy course load, so I won't say much about the story, just that I loved it, and the ending made me go "awwwwwww."

Anyway. In other news, I took my SATs yesterday. Some people said they were horrible, but to be honest, I just don't see it. Were they hard? Definitely. But honestly, I think you're fine as long as you don't psych yourself out. Plus, I think it kind of helps that right now, my dream is to go to Sarah Lawrence [who doesn't look at SATs], graduate with a major in creative writing, and work at a coffee shop in NYC or Boston until my novel sells. Maybe meet a few guys in between, get a nice[ish. I'm not unrealistic about a barista's salary.] apartment, a dog, who knows. Maybe I'll get to college and decide that what I really want to be is a meteorologist. [Not likely.]

My new favorite song as of right now is Speakers Blown by Hit the Lights. IT'S AWESOME. But I mean, I do have a soft spot for their kind of band. BUT WHATEVER. I also love Cartel a lot recently. And the song "We Were Merely Freshman" by Third Eye Blind.

Okay, so I just had to take a break from this blog post. Why, might you ask? Oh, just because my mom's boyfriend let his dog off his leash on a walk, the dog ran here, I let him in, my mom wasn't picking up, I thought they might be coming down our road, the dog ran off, I had to run down the dirt road in barefeet and my PAJAMAS [no bra, might I add] to make sure the goddamn dog didn't get run over. And then had to walk him back to Neal's house. It was RIDICULOUS. And now that I am sweating like a pig, I'm going to go.

Until next time, my dears.


  1. Well that's exciting, Hanners! I didn't know you worked at a bookstore. :D Yay for getting ARCs of books! I'm about to receive one as well. <3 Sorry about the dog thing, but I know how that is! I've done that with my horses, and my dogs several times. It sucks a lot, I know. :( And I've definitely never heard of any of those bands, but I'll go have a listen?

  2. I. AM. SO. JEALOUS. I want to work in a bookstore! Although, I don't quite have the time and I go to boarding school, so... :(
    And I have actually read 'The Reckoning'- review here:

    I'm not sure I liked it as much as the others, but it was still a very good read. And made me love Derek EVEN MORE!!
