Monday, April 26, 2010

Condescending thoughts.

I am sitting in the Steamship Authority, awaiting the return of my mother and sister. My therapy let out about twenty-five minutes ago, but as no one was available to give me a ride home, I was forced to come and "hang out" in the SSA. There is a boy, probably a few years out of high school, with his friend sitting directly across from me. The boy is wearing Guinness pajama pants. I don't understand why this is attractive.  Not of drinking age, plus, you're in public. If you're going to be in the vicinity of other human beings, at least make it not painful for them to look at you. I just want to go over there and smack him across the head. But then again, I am prone to quite violent urges. Whatever. Him and his Guinness PJ pants can sit there, twitching as his friend with a faux-hawk texts, and I will just think condescending thoughts towards his general vicinity. And now they're leaving. And I am all alone in the Steamship Authority yet again, besides for the people who are paid to be here.

I can't wait to leave.

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