Saturday, May 15, 2010


Okay, I know what you're thinking. "Wow, Hannah doesn't blog for like a million years, and now there's TWO in ONE DAY? This is CRAZY TALK!"

It probably is, BUT - I was just stalking Aleka's blog again, and saw this amazing contest thingy. This awesome person named Valerie is pulling an Oprah and giving stuff away for her birthday! She's got two prize packages - A Reader's Prize, and a Writer's Prize. I myself am entering for the writer's prize. [Surprise, surprise.]

I've read through some of her older posts, and I'm so mad I didn't find her earlier! She's quite delightful.

Here's the link to the blog:
And this is the link to the contest:

Cross your fingers for me?

1 comment:

  1. I'll keep 'em crossed. ;) Yay! I have a blog stalker!
