Sunday, August 22, 2010

Eat Pray Love put me in this mood.

I want to do something life-changing. I want to do something that will reconfigure the way I see and look at things. I want to feel connected to someone, connected in a way that I can't even begin to explain. I want to change someone's life, to make a difference for them, even if it's just for one person. I want to be able to have someone point at me and say, "She changed my life, altered the way I think, and all for the better." I want to see and do things that I'm scared of, and be able to tell the people I love that I love them without worrying of what they'll think.

I want to learn about myself. I want to know the way my mind works, even though some of the truths will undoubtedly be ugly. I can't learn to love someone else until I know how to love myself, I can't learn how to love myself until I understand myself, and I don't think I can begin to understand myself until I begin to fix myself. To pick up after the hurt, and the disappointment, and glue the many pieces back together.

Gandhi said that [excuse me while I butcher this quote] "Almost everything you do will be insignificant, but it is of the upmost importance that you do it." But what happens if we don't even know what it is we are supposed to be doing?

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