Monday, April 26, 2010

Condescending thoughts.

I am sitting in the Steamship Authority, awaiting the return of my mother and sister. My therapy let out about twenty-five minutes ago, but as no one was available to give me a ride home, I was forced to come and "hang out" in the SSA. There is a boy, probably a few years out of high school, with his friend sitting directly across from me. The boy is wearing Guinness pajama pants. I don't understand why this is attractive.  Not of drinking age, plus, you're in public. If you're going to be in the vicinity of other human beings, at least make it not painful for them to look at you. I just want to go over there and smack him across the head. But then again, I am prone to quite violent urges. Whatever. Him and his Guinness PJ pants can sit there, twitching as his friend with a faux-hawk texts, and I will just think condescending thoughts towards his general vicinity. And now they're leaving. And I am all alone in the Steamship Authority yet again, besides for the people who are paid to be here.

I can't wait to leave.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 24th, 2010

I read a book today. Yes, I know that's not that uncommon, but the book itself was rather uncommon. Well, uncommon in the way that it made me feel off. And let me tell you, there are not many books that can make me feel off. Out of this world? Yes. Incredibly happy? Yes. Horribly sad? Yes. [You get the picture.] But this one was just... Odd.

It's called Someday This Pain Will Be Useful To You, and it's by Peter Cameron. [As you can probably see.] And I don't know... I just started feeling funny after I read it. I don't really have much else to say. I've just stayed in my pajamas all day, resting up from the shopping trip and geeking out over the fact that I'm taking the SATs in exactly one week. So I guess I'm just gonna go. The fam & I are gonna watch Bride Wars tonight - the only good thing about Neal being gone is the fact that we can watch all the chick flicks we want.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ah, the boat.

One of the perceived "joys" of living on this island is the forty-five minute boat ride it takes to leave it. The summer people love it - it means they actually can get away, physically away, for however long they've decided to contribute to overrunning the place. But for us islanders, (okay, I'm taking the liberty of speaking for all of us here) it's a humongous pain in the ass. Basically, to get any type of shopping done, other than grocery, without breaking your bank, you've got to endure the boat ride. Twice.

So quite obviously, that is where I am now. (If it wasn't obvious, catch up, would you?) A six-fifteen ferry off the rock. How long have we been waiting, might you ask? Well, I can't tell you that until you get the whole story. The sister (Emma) had a doctor's appointment at four-thirty, and although my mother tried to change it to an earlier time, her doctor didn't call back until around two, when he said that he could see them RIGHT NOW. So of course, we were all excited, you know, thinking we'd get off earlier than a six-fifteen, so we wouldn't be eating until after seven, maybe we'd even have a few hours to kill before dinner!

Stupid little naive girls. We sat in stand-bye for two and a half hours. Two and a half hours, in that little Ford Focus wagon, with the sisters (Emma AND Olivia) at each other's throats. The entire. Time. I almost throttled someone. I did get to read an entire book during that time, but still. I was sitting in a car for almost three hours, waiting for a boat as we watched car after car fill up the two boats between three and the six-fifteen. Hellish.

And, to make everything even more exciting, it seemed to be a parade of people I don't like going by my car! Ah, hell. If this is any indication of how the shopping trip is going to be, I might as well just jump ship.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21st, 2010

I now have an awesome new layout from Shabby Blogs! I love it soooo much. At least for now :P I can get pretty fickle...

Anyway. My sister (Olivia) is now watching the Clique movie for the third or fourth time on the Wii Netflix thing. And I can't help but let my eyes drift... Plus, I read most of the books, so I have a right, don't I? Kind of? Whatever. I love Bridget Mendler, too. She's so cute!

So it's officially the third day of spring break, and I'm kind of almost ready to go back to school. I feel like such a bum - all I do is sit around and eat. And eat. And then, maybe, if I want to [which I almost always do], I eat some more. I think I might have a problem. xD And it's not even like I'm eating healthy stuff! It's all shit. Microwave bagels, chips, Twizzlers.... it's horrendous.

Speaking of my irregular eating habits, I've been getting crazy emotional lately. Like, thinking about things that I normally keep out of my head because I know they drive me crazy, and crying at TV shows, even when it's stupid stuff. And I'm totally serious. For the past two Glee episodes, they've both left me wanting to cry. The hundredth episode of Bones? I was legit sobbing for a good while. But to be fair, that episode was incredibly sad. [Spoiler alert!] I MEAN, REALLY BONES. YOU'VE GOT AN AWESOME GUY LIKE BOOTH TELLING YOU THAT HE FUCKING LOVES YOU AND JUST WANTS TO BE WITH YOU AND YOU'RE ALL "OH SORRY I CAN'T I'M A SCIENTIST I DON'T BELIEVE IN LOVE." And then you make Booth cry. Which makes me cry. I'm gonna echo Ms. Julian on this one: "For a genius, you really are stupid." And yes, I just spent about twenty minutes searching for that quote and couldn't find it, so it's probably wrong. Just be forewarned.

This post is rather random, isn't it? Ah well. We're going off-island tomorrow. Doing some spring shopping and such. I'll probably just pick up a few cutesy things like dresses and skirts, with a few cute tops. But I definitely am getting a few new bras, which is more than any of you needed to know, but you're reading my blog, so HA. Too bad.

Now I'm going to tell you about my job :) Because it's awesome and I'm excited about it. I'm working at our local bookstore, Bunch of Grapes, just behind the counter and all. Right now, I'm just working from five-thirty to nine Tuesday nights during the open mic nights my classmate Jess and I are running, but after Memorial Day I'll get more hours, as Martha's Vineyard is quite the seasonal place. It'll definitely be nice to be working somewhere with air conditioning this summer, especially if spring is any indication. It's already warm enough to wear shorts, which usually does not happen here in April.

Ah, the mother and sister (Emma) are home from the sister's doctor's appointment. And of course, Emma heads right into her room. Typical. :)

Okay, I do believe this post is long enough now for me to not feel inadequate, and random enough for you to wonder if you should call a loony bin. I shall post again soon!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I just can't get you, off my mind...

All right, dear readers, [which is all of two people] I am back. I'm so horrible at keeping up with these things.

I have decided that I am going to try and get myself to stick to a schedule. First, of course, I'll have to make up said schedule, but whatever. I have a week off of school; what else am I going to do with my time? Besides write, of course. But now that it's getting nicer and nicer out, I need to get into the habit of exercising, even if it's just walking/biking down to the fire station and back. Which reminds me... I should probably put some air in my bike tires.

Anyways. I've started a writing project with a girl on that site I love, Polyvore, and it will hopefully go pretty well. 

That's my set from today. I think it came out pretty well :)

So, it's twenty of one, and my stepbrother just called me, telling me that I need to 'talk to my sister.' Lovely. I'm exhausted, lovelies. But I can't seem to sleep. I just don't know what to do with myself. I think trying to sleep is probably my best option, though. I shall talk to you all later, and really inform you with what's going on in my life. [Oh man.... Social Studies flashbacks. We tallied how many times my teacher said "with what's going on" during a one hour time span, and it was thirty. two. THIRTY FUCKING TWO. It's insane.]