- Kelsey DeBettencourt - She was a good friend of mine in elementary school, and we got really close over the summer. Even though we don't get to see each other nearly enough during the school year because we go to separate schools, she still makes the top of my list. I love you so much, Kels, and I'm so proud and happy to be able to call you my best friend again.
- My health - My body may be doing some crazy ass things right now that don't make me happy, but I'm still here, and I'm still able to live at home. My liver biopsy results came back, and the growths on my liver are benign, and basically the best things they could be for growths on a liver :P
- My school buddies - I don't really want to put all the names here, but just know that I really do appreciate everything you guys do for me. We might not be the best of friends, but I love being able to sit with you in school and just bitch about everyone else.
- The fact that I'll be in college next year - I can't wait to be out of my house and on my own, without my crazy ass family who drive me insane. (And not in the normal teenager way, in the actual I can't stand them way)
- The talent that I have - As much as I might put myself down, I am a great writer. And that's something that will always be with me, and I refuse to take it for granted.
- The adults in my life who are always there for me - There aren't many of them, but they let me complain to them, and treat me like an equal instead of some whiny little kid, and it means a lot to me.
- Kevin and Haley - Even though we seem to be falling apart and losing each other, I still love you guys, and I'm so happy that I know you. You're lovely.
- JESSIE NEGROTTI - My CPSSWCCS. I'm so glad that we're getting back to the way we were. I've missed you so much, and our friendship means the world to me. You always make me feel better when I'm upset, and I'm sorry if I've been monopolizing our conversations with my life lately. I promise to be better.
- The fall - It's my favorite. 'Nuff said.
There are so many more things and people that I could put on here, but I'm going to stop for now. I'll probably end up doing a really cheesy and long one in my notebook later.